Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chapter 2

Chapter II

“Here Comes Santa Claus, Here Comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus lane.” They were about three hours into their five hour ride.  Alex had slept for the first two hours next to Diesel and had woken up in great spirits.  After stopping at Mcdonalds, Nico had found a holiday station and they had been singing ever since.
“Mom, do you think that grandpa really is gonna have dinner ready for s?”
“I don’t know, baby, why?”
“I don’t think I could eat another bite and I don’t want to be rude.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Sam turned around and looked at alex. “I wouldn’t worry about that.  He’s just gonna be so happy to see you!”
“Do you think so?”
“Of course sweetie! He’s so excited!  He got the downstairs ready just for us!’
“and Tante Leena and Uncle Jake are there?”
“And Jenny, Amanda, and Sean?”
“Yes, your cousins are there too.”
“And we’re all gonna live together.”
“yes, my darling, is that okay? Remember we talked about this?  We’re all living at grandpa’s house until we find a place and Tante Leena and Uncle jake are waiting for their house to get fixed.”
“so that means nine of us in one house.”
“Whew.” Nico said under his breath.
“Yes,” Sam shot him a look. 
“I like it!” alex said suddenly. “It’s like teta’s Laura.”
That got Nico’s attention.  He looked at sam and then chuckled. “Oui, c’est vrai.” Nico was trilingual and so was Alex due to the fact that his dad was and also because of the school.  Sam was the only one in the family who wasn’t fluent in Arabic, French, though she did a pretty banging job with the English language.  She had studied Arabic in order to make conversation with her in laws, but she was pretty hopeless with French and Arabic.  Alex, of course, took to it flawlessly and he and his dad often had conversation which Sam understand every tenth word.
“See?” Sam said to both of them, meaning two totally different things.  She knew that Nico was not thrilled at the prospect of staying with her father.  In dubai they had owned a beautiful villa in the best part of town and the prospect of sharing a house with another family and her dad, just wasn’t high on the top of Nico’s list. But sam had convinced him to wait because it would’ve been too difficult to rent something from overseas.  And truthfully, she didn’t trust anyone one else to choose a place for her.  She had to see it herself.  As well, she had spent the last five christmas’s with Nico’s family and was looking forward to surrounding herself with her own.
Her sister was at her dad’s house and her brother lived down the road.  There were plenty of cousins for Alex to play with and she couldn’t wait to catch up with her siblings and their partners.
A short hour later, the three pulled down the private lane to sam’s dad’s house.  She sighed.  The house was at the end of a cul de sac and was a sight to behold.  The windows were light with range lights, the trees outside adorned with white lights and the driveway was filled with cars, a sight Sam always loved.  She jumped out of the car before Nico had even stopped and ran up to the front door.
“Merry Christmas!” She burst in and was greeted by her two nieces.
“Auntie Sam!” Jenny flung herself into Sam’s arms.
“Melly Sismas!” Amanda toddled over.  She was three.
Sam lifted her up and gave her a kiss.
“cold.” Amanda said and rubbed her cheek.
Woof! Diesel bounded in excited by all the commotion.
“You have a dog?” jenny patted him.
“doggy!” Amanda said and tried to climb on his back.
“Hi.” Alex stood in the doorway looking slightly unsure of himself.  He looked so different than towheaded cousins.  Olive complexioned, dark, curly hair and almond shaped eyes, he was a perfect combination of his Lebanese father and Filipino mother.
“Alex!” Jenny stood and gave him a huge hug.
“X!” Amanda copied her sister and hugged him too.
Alex looked surprised but then he busted out into a grin and hugged his cousin’s back. 
“Wanna see the tree?  I think there’s some stuff under there for you!”
Amanda tugged on his hand and the three of them went down the hallway just as Sam’s dad poked his head around the corner.
“Who’s that heating the outside?” he boomed.
“Dad!” Sam ran to her father and he enveloped her into a huge hug.
“Welcome home, Sam,” he kissed the top of her head.
“Merry Christmas, sir,” Nico said from behind Sam.
“Sir? Who’s sir?  I’ve told you a thousand times, Nico, it’s James.”
“Merry Christmas, James,” Nico said.
Sam and her dad both said, “Thanks!” and they laughed.  Having the same name had always been a point of pride for Samantha.  She loved that even though she had been adopted and was the youngest of all five kids in her family, no one else had her dad’s name.  Not even any of the boys, which had always been a mystery, but her mother had always said that they were saving the name for her.
            “Well, we should probably get all that stuff out of the car,” Nico said.
            Sam looked at her husband and she could see that he was exhausted.  She went over and hugged him. 
            “Baby, you’ve done such a phenomenal job today, thank you so much for bringing me home.”
            Nico brightened and hugged Sam close.  “I’m so glad you’re happy.” He held her tight.  Things had been so strained, it was a huge deal for Nico that Sam looked so happy here with her family.
            “Why don’t we call the boys and get you guys unpacked?” Dad asked.
            “yes, dad, that would be brilliant.  We are exhausted.”
            “Done.  Why don’t you two go take a load off?  Fires on and we’re gonna order your favorite tonight! We’ve been waiting.”
            “what? Naru?” Sam smiled, she got a little obsessive about food, a trait she shared with her dad.
            “Of course!” he laughed. 
            At that Alex looked over at her.  He had supersonic hearing.
            She smiled at him and then said, ‘dad, why don’t we order in, that way, we can eat whatever we want and have leftover.  Besides, we can’t really eat there anyway.”
            “Sounds great.  I’m going to call your brother.  He was planning to stop by to say hi, but I’ll see if he can come over now to get your stuff downstairs. Your sister and Jake should be home soon.”  Sam looked at his watch and then reached for his phone.  “You two go relax and I’ll take care of everything.
            “thanks dad, sam said gratefully.  She took Nico’s hand and joined the kids in the TV room. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chapter 1 of Perfect: A Novel


Chapter I

“There he is!  There’s Diesel!” Alexandre, Nico, and Samantha turned as they watched two men gingerly roll out the gigantic dog crate that had contained our energetic dog through the 15 hour flight from Dubai.
‘Do you think he’s okay?” Alexandre, peered up at his parents from beneath the brim of his new winter newsboy cap.
“Of course he is!” Nico, replied, but he hurried after Alexandre.
“Diesel, Diesel! Are you okay?” Alexandre tore across the crowded baggage claim area and skidded to a halt in front of the rate.  He dropped to his knees and looked through the front.
Then Samantha saw a black snout poke out of the front. 
“He’s okay!  Can we let him out?” Alexandre asked.  He was already lifting the latch.
“Hang on, Habibi, let’s just let him settle for a minute.”
“But Dad, he probably has to….” Alex opened his eyes wide, “you know!”
Nico laughed.  “You’re probably right. Okay.” And he bent down and opened the crate. “Hey buddy! How are you?”
Diesel flew out of the cage with a happy yelp. 
“Diesel!” Alex wrapped his arms around the big German shepherd and nuzzled his face deep in his fur.
Diesel wriggled out from his embrace and came trotting towards Sam.
“Hi my baby boy, how was your flight?’ Samantha dropped to her knees and gave Diesel a hug while Nico snapped a leash onto the collar. 
“Why don’t the two of you take him outside and I’ll look out for our stuff.”
“Okay Dad!” And Alex grabbed the leash from my hand and started for the door.  Diesel scrabbled after him.
“Alex, wait!” Sam called out after him.
Nicola grabbed Sam’s hand, “he’s okay.”
“Yes, but..”
Nicola bent down and kissed Sam softly, “Welcome to America?”
“Welcome to America, Nico!” Nico had been to America plenty, in fact he had attended Northeastern University, but this time was different.  This time, the family had decided to make a go of it in America, since they had lived in Dubai for so many years.  Samantha had pushed for it, for herself but also for Alex, who she wanted to be brought up with an American education.  Nico, having become frustrated with his position at work had decided if they didn’t move now, it would be never and he wasn’t too keen to deal with Sam’s wrath as she had been pretty miserable the last year. 
“And Merry Xmas, my love,” Nico whispered and pulled Sam closer.
“Merry Christmas, Nico.” Sam replied.  She loved her husband more than anything and hoped this move was the right one.
She gave him another kiss and followed their son out to the sidewalk. He and Diesel were on a tiny piece of grass past the two very busy car lanes.
“Alex! What are you doing?” Sam was a little overprotective.  Especially considering Alex had only been in the USA a few times and the airport was a little too busy for Sam’s liking.
Alex looked up, “Duh Mom, I’mm helping Diesel go!”
“Yeah, but how did you get all the way across there?”
He rolled his eyes. “Aww Mom, stop treating me like I kid!  I’m seven now!”
“I know, I know, but you’ll always be my baby.” Sam gave him a quick hug just as Diesel did his business.
“Oh Mom, do you have a bag?” Alex patted his pockets.  “I forgot my backpack inside.”
Sam dug into my mammoth bag and pulled out a couple of plastic bags from their old grocery store Choithrams.
“Thanks, Mom.” Alex bent down and cleaned up after Diesel, wrapped up the bag, threw it in the trash, took out some antibacterial hand wipes, wiped his hands and then said, “Let’s go get our stuff!”
He crossed the street carefully and then went inside to meet his father.  Samantha’s eyes welled up.  It had been a tough month and Alex had come through as he always did.  Sweet, tough, strong and always responsible.  He was so like his father!  A man in a little boy’s body.  The move had been a major strain on the marriage, in fact it was the only way that Samantha could imagine that they would make it.  She had been trying to find a job for the last year or so and had only been able to dredge a job in real estate which had been a courtesy, really as the owner was a golf partner of Nico’s.  She had hated and really wanted to be a teacher, but found that because she didn’t have the background, no school, even in the “wild west” of Dubai was willing to hire her.  Thus, why she pushed so hard to return to America, so she could go back to school, get her certification and try to find some purpose in her life.
 As Sam walked through the doors, holiday music filtered through the speakers.  She was so happy to be home and especially during the Christmas holiday.
“Sam! A little help?”
“Oh my God, Nico, is that everything?” Nico was standing behind two carts that were piled so high, she couldn’t even see the top of his head.
“I think so, we’re just missing you trunk.” Nico poked his head around the pile of luggage.
“Which trunk?  My Louis Vuitton one?”
“Yes, my darling,” Nico replied drolly, “Your LV trunk.”
Sam hurried over to the place luggage slide and peered anxiously up at the hole above.
“Oh Nico,”
“Sam, it’ll come don’t worry.”
“yeah, Mom, don’t worry, and besides, didn’t Auntie Michelle get you that at Karama anyway?” Alex laughed to himself as his dad joined in.
“Uck.” Sam replied.  It was true.  Karama, was a label junkies dream, the equivalent of Canal Street in New York city, all the ladies in Dubai, on the sly, bought luggage, bags, hats etc, for traveling.  They woldn’t be seen dead carrying a fake in town, but out of town, for some reasons was fine.  Thus, Sam’s best friend’s Michelle’s reasoning on her very useful Bon Voyage present.
Fifteen minutes later, just as Sam was about to lose it, a new tumble of luggage came sliding down the shoot.  Among them, Sam’s fake Louis Vuitton trunk.  She breathed a sigh of relief and as Nico restacked everything to put it on the bottom, she called over to Alex who was playing with Nico across the way.
“Ready to see Grandpa?”
“Yeah!” he said.
Alex had only met Sam’s side of the family a few times, the last of which was at Sam’s mother’s funeral a year ago.
 “Okay, guys, we need to go get the rental car.”
“With all of this?”
“I was thinking that you guys could stay here, I’ll run and get the car and come back and get you.”
“But I wanna come with you, Daddy,” Alex whined.
Sam looked at him in surprise.  Nico looked at Sam over Alex’s head and mouthed ‘tired.’  Sam nodded.
“Okay, Alex, why don’t you go with Daddy and I’ll stay here with the stuff and Diesel.”
“Okay.” Alex said.
Nico nodded and he said, “We’ll be back as soon as we can.”

All I can say is I TORE through the 678 pages of this book and realized around about page 600, that this book was not going to end at the last page.  Really???  What torture!!!  To not end the story at the end of this book--was like a smack in the face--which I guess I sorta liked.  It was a smack because I feel like I had put in my time so I should get the payback of having the story be complete--yet, the idea that there was more, was delicious, so even though I definitely pouted and moaned and complained to anyone near enough to hear--I guess, I suppose, I fine with there being more story to read--if only the author would HURRY UP, please!!!

I got the recommendation for this book from which is like, my ultimately favorite website right now.  It was based on all the other Fantasy books I read.  The inside of the flap read something like, there is a PhD student studying in Oxford who happens to be a witch.  Done and done.  No more needed to be said, I was sold.

And the miracle of completing this Book 1--it actually inspired me to complete my own Chapter 1 of my memoir/ book/ something that will be combined with my NaNo book from a few years ago, called Perfect.

I think I might post a few chapters up here and see how they go. 

I need to seriously get some of that going--I gotta have manuscripts complete by August!  Like, I'm pretty sure I said 10.  10 complete pieces of writing.

I should also put up a little bit of Swerve.

And I have decided to send out Isabella in Threes again. 

I gotta just take the leap.