Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All I can say is I TORE through the 678 pages of this book and realized around about page 600, that this book was not going to end at the last page.  Really???  What torture!!!  To not end the story at the end of this book--was like a smack in the face--which I guess I sorta liked.  It was a smack because I feel like I had put in my time so I should get the payback of having the story be complete--yet, the idea that there was more, was delicious, so even though I definitely pouted and moaned and complained to anyone near enough to hear--I guess, I suppose, I fine with there being more story to read--if only the author would HURRY UP, please!!!

I got the recommendation for this book from GoodReads.com which is like, my ultimately favorite website right now.  It was based on all the other Fantasy books I read.  The inside of the flap read something like, there is a PhD student studying in Oxford who happens to be a witch.  Done and done.  No more needed to be said, I was sold.

And the miracle of completing this Book 1--it actually inspired me to complete my own Chapter 1 of my memoir/ book/ something that will be combined with my NaNo book from a few years ago, called Perfect.

I think I might post a few chapters up here and see how they go. 

I need to seriously get some of that going--I gotta have manuscripts complete by August!  Like, I'm pretty sure I said 10.  10 complete pieces of writing.

I should also put up a little bit of Swerve.

And I have decided to send out Isabella in Threes again. 

I gotta just take the leap.

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