Saturday, April 7, 2012

BBQ wedding reception

Okay, so it's like, April and it has been hitting me pretty slowly ever since my return from Australia, that this wedding is going to happen.

It first hit me because I had put a reminder to myself on my phone that I should get it into gear about the wedding invitations.  So I sat down and made a list of people who I thought should be invited to the wedding.  It was 31, including myself and my fiance.

That night, my sister and niece came over and we started talking wedding and she added around 25 more people--- which almost doubled the numbers.  Later in the week I spoke to my fiance's mother and she had a few more people to add!  So the small and very intimate wedding that I had imagined -- was quickly growing like a gremlin!

Well, I guess I shouldn't say gremlin, but it seemed pretty out of control.

And so now, I'm like, totally overwhelmed because there seems to be so much to plan and it's really, really happening, and no one else is going to do it but me!!

It doesn't help that I don't have any girlfriends up here--and the people I do have -- my sister and niece and possible in- law and maybe my dad's girlfriend-- are busy and focused on their own lives.  This being my second wedding, I don't think really inspires them to be super psyched about the upcoming nupitals, though, I'm sure the closer the date is, the more helpful they might become.  However, a lot of groundwork probably has to go into all this planning/ preparing, even before I need some hands on help anyway!

The blessing is-- right now, I'm not totally working in a normal 9-5 way, so I have time, but I guess, really, I needed to come to this realization that the dang thing is happening in 3 months and I have realy not prepared a thing!!

I have scoffed at preparation, my fiance too-- I think we believe it will all happen on its own.  Last wedding, I had the benefit of my mother being around as well my sister, and honestly, they planned EVERYTHING.  There was also the case of me being overseas, so it was all done because otherwise it would've been impossible to coordinate.

And plus, we did it at a resort--so I'm sure it was really a matter of writing checks.  Well, they did way more than that---but that's exactly what I'm about to discover!  How much work they did!  I'm focusing on the invitations this month, but because we are decorating for the reception ourselves, I should probably be getting together an entire vision board of what I want so I can start gathering up the supplies.

The decor I have in mind is very simple.  I want red and white gingham tablecloths, mason jars with wild flowers, and maybe some twinkle lights for effect.  I was also thinking paper lanterns would look really cute.  But then, there is the catering, like what does that include?  They will have the dishes and everything, right?

The music is taken care of--oh, this is what I was stressing about and was the impetus to this blog--the wedding cake!  I had wanted a wedding cake for the reception, but there are going to be so many more people at that than the wedding, but that's kindof what I wanted, and I wonder if the caterer at the place will be able to do the cake too---and how much?

As I'm writing, I'm realizing that will probably be the best answer and I'll have to go down there to figure it out with them, ie taste the cake etc.  Because I don't think I can get a cake here, and have it travel down there.  And I don't want an IGA cake either.

So, it looks like, I really need a list of wedding 'to-do's' and get freaking started!

Holy bajongaza--- I'm a gittin' married!

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