Sunday, April 15, 2012

A blank piece of white paper

To dream about a white piece of paper may symbolize your desire to make a new start in life.  It may also symbolize your desire to express yourself through writing.

In my dream, I definitely was thinking that the paper was a snowman in a blizzard and I kept making that joke, but I like this interpretation as well.

It makes sense as it is exactly what I am trying to do and is in alignment with my dreams.

I've been thinking lately that I want to write a memoir.

There are a lot of kooky and tragic things that have happened to me as well as some ridiculous and joyful things.  They definitely deserve to be shared.

So, thinking on that.

A Memoir.

I think I may begin it with my brother telling me I should get a Caucasian person mask so I would stop being harassed in po-dunk!

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