that you have been put on administrative hold. Please do not reply to this email.
Okay, I was expecting this (now it's 3 days ago) based on what my state supervisor told me would be the repercussions of the latest drama of Americorps.
So administrative hold is when you basically do not work, are looking for a new site and hope to nature and the universe that something is found so the VISTA year can be completed.
I straight out said to my state supervisor that I have been soured on this whole experience, however, I really would like to complete this dang contract, because -- well, the fact that this current site didn't work out, is not due to the work or commitment level I had and also, I want to have this contract completed and not hijacked mid-way due to --- wrongful termination.
So-- at this point, I am in no man's land, waiting for something to come up. I am also looking around for other sites to work out, but other than the food bank that I had worked at in Barre, there isn't that much out there that I'm interested in working at--except possible Spectrum. This is a site where I would be working as an outreach counselor.
The reality of me finding a site so late in the game is probably pretty grim. There really are only 4 months and 10 days left in the contract, and how many places are really going to want to take on someone new at this point? Most people are knee deep into whatever it is that they do--as well, what are the chances that the site will be something that I'm even interested in doing?
So, there in lies the conundrum.
I had a pretty decent gig going on as far as what I am interested in pursuing, however, the ah, other factors just did not jive.
Thus, what is going to happen over the next few months?
Well, only time can really tell. I have high hopes. I believe I can find something -- or that the universe will hear me and respond. Though, I didn't win the $660,000,000 lottery, so I can only conclude it has something even better waiting for me in the future....!
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