Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Goals....of Which I'm Sure Are Quite Flexible

Okay, it has been more times that I can count that I have tried to get this darn blog off the ground.  This, however, is the most IMPORTANT time, because I AM going to FOLLOW THROUGH, i.e. finish it, and that doesn't mean forget about it.  Finish it, means, complete it and that will I've accomplished the following goals.

(Disclaimer: These can be changed)

Ack.  See Above?  This is why so often I don't reach my lofty goals because right from the start I always give myself a back door.  I should probably talk about that at some point, but for now, let's focus on the goals.

I woke up this morning really trying to pinpoint the things I want, I WILL accomplish in this next year of me.

I think I will refer to this as Year 1.  ANYC (After NYC) or maybe BLRB (Before life really began.) I can tweak that.

In any event, these are the things I will do this year.

Become proficient in a second language. Again.
Read 365 new books.  Categories: Fiction--  200 modern fiction, 20 classic, 100 YA literature, 45 miscellaneous.
Cook 200 new menu items, perfect 100 of them. 50 appetizers and 50 entrees.
Go to the gym 365 times. (or MORE!)
Stop smoking
Write and SUBMIT 10 major drafts: 1 complete novel, 4 children's books, 1 play, 4 non-fiction articles
Meet 10 new people who I eventually call friends. (This is a HUGE leap for a "recluse" like myself)
Join a writing group and become active in it
Join a book club
Join the Burlington Cooking Club

And then the following are inevitable, because they are happening:
Get married
Move to LA
Find a new and satisfying job

Needless to say, it's a big year.

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