Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 3 & 4 went pretty awesome.... :-) !!

I am feeling pretty darn good.  There is truly something to eating right, exercising and being conscious of said actions.  It's such a freaking high!

I've been working out--ha, I won't say that like I've been doing it a long time because we all know better.  Since I got back from LA, I've really been trying to put an effort into paying attention to my body and my mind.

I've been doing that on and off, but during the holidays and for a week and a half after, oh boy, it was definitely off, so now, I'm on, on, on the wagon!  So for the last three days, I've been doing double work outs and it's like, wow, how did I ever live before?  Okay, that's slightly dramatic, but I feel so much better.  Invigorated.  My mind is like actually feeling better, like the synapses are faster and connecting better-- and I'm not falling asleep at 8pm!

I know this won't last, but I'm hoping to really get into the habit of being good to myself.  So, I know it may seem like, self-defeatist to say, 'I know this won't last' but who really has the time to work out like this--morning and evening, unless you're getting paid for it, but for now, and until Australia, then, this is what I'm doing.

Actually, as I was walking out of the gym last night, I was seized by the idea that, this is such a gift.  To have the time to really spend on your self to feel good-- I definitely realize that it won't always be this way, especially with a new husband--and hopefully, eventually a couple of rugrats.

So the plan, and I write it 'aloud' so it will help me stick to it better, is morning and evening workouts until Australia.  It will be tough while I have my weekend in LA, but I will hopefully sneak in a few walks up that very mean, cranky hill.  Then, when I return, there are approximately 5 weeks to really get it going--because my goal is not only to feel awesome--but to be SMOKIN' hawt for Australia and also that little event coming up in July....

This next 10 days is sort of like starter days--to get the motor running and oiled, but after LA, it's going to be game ON!

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