Monday, January 9, 2012

Perfect: Chapter 3

Chapter III

            “So you guys really took first class?” Jake, Leena’s husband shook his head. “Man, that is the life!”  He was a mechanic and not one of the brightest bulbs on the tree.  He was a good man but was constantly troubled by strange health issues and spent the majority of his time in bed.  Leena’s ex-husband had been even less useful and Sam had always marveled at how such a capable woman such as her sister always managed to find the least helpful of men for husbands.
            “It was kindof a last hurrah, ya know?” sam replied.  It had been heaven.
            “Yeah, I had a lot of miles, so it really didn’t cost more than coach.” Nico said in between bites.
            The adults were all eating together, the kids were in the TV room playing with the nanny.  It had been six months since Sam had been back and a year since Nico had seen any of his in-laws.
            “So where’s Sean?”
            “He’s with his father,” Leena replied.  She didn’t look very happy about it.
            “Why is he there? Will he be back for Christmas?” sam asked.
            “I don’t know.” Leena said, looking close to tears.
            “Let’s catch up on that later,” Dad intervened.  “Why don’t you update us on our plans? What’s happening with you two?”
            Sam and Nico looked at each other and laughed.
            “We haven’t really thought too far past Christmas,” sam began.
            “Well, that’s not really true,” Nico interrupted.
            “Yes, it is…”
            “No, I mean,” Nico started.
            “We won’t be here long, if that’s what you mean,” sam said.
            Her dad frowned. “Sam, don’t be ridiculous! There’s more than enough room, I just wanted to know if you guys had a gameplan.
            “god knows, we’ve been here forever!” Leena said, laughing.
            Jake did not look as amused and Nico and he shared a look of understanding.
            “I am so happy to have my girls with me.” dad said looking a little wistful.  This would be the second Christmas without sam’s mother who had passed after a long battle with colon cancer.  The holidays were not easy for him at all. 
            “We’re happy to be here too,” Sam replied.  Trying to control the tears that were threatening to fall.
            “Anyway,” Nico cleared his throat. “Sir, we’ve decided to find a house here and hopefully stay in the area.
            “the problem with that is, Nico hasn’t found a job yet and is still waiting to hear back about school.”
            “School?” dad asked.
            “Yeah, Dad, Nico’s thinking about going back to school.  He’s already submitting his applications.  He just needs to take the GMAT.”
            “And when is that happening?” Dad asked Nico.
            “After the holidays,” Nico said.  “they’re due in January.”
            “Hmm,” Dad grunted.
            “We’re just going to see what happens, Dad.” Sam knew exactly what her father was thinking, but she and Nico and spent many long hours discussing what they would do.  She was determined to find a job teaching as she felt she had been cheated of that opportunity before.  Nico said he was tired of working and was more interested in going back to school.  Their whole idea in coming to America had been mostly for Nico to please Sam.  She had been wildy unhappy in dubai as she couldn’t seem to find a job.  When Alex was younger, she was happy to be home with him, but as he had grown more independent, she had become more useless, listless even.  The death of her mother had brought her to despair and the past year, had actually been a complete misery for all three of them.
            It was only when sam had said she wanted to go back home and had convinced Nico it was a matter of do or die, had any of her fire returned.  Nico loved Sam more than he could even describe and while he was happy in Dubai, as well his whole family was there, he was wasn’t that happy in his job and was willing to cast his die into the lot and said he would give the States a chance.  What he didn’t know was that if he hadn’t agreed, Sam was planning to go no matter what. 
            “What about Alex?” Leena asked after the silence had lasted moments too long.
            “Well, I figured I’d just keep him out of school until we know where we’re going to be,” Sam said.
            She was met with a shocked silence. But then she laughed, “I’m kidding!  I’ve already enrolled him at Wallace.  He’s going to be in the same class as Jenny.
            Everyone began to laugh, her dad the loudest. “One of these days, Samantha, you are going to kill your old dad.”
            Sam looked at Nico and he was looking a bit strained behind the cheer of the wine that had reddened his cheeks.
            “Habibte, bidde naeme,” he said.
            “Ana kamyan, yalla,” she replied.
            “What’d you guys say? Asked Jim.
            “Oh, I think we’re ready to turn in, it’s been a pretty long day.” Sam said. 
            dad stood, yes.  Let’s get you two settled.  “Maria!” he called for the nanny.
Apparently she was the maid too.  “Is everything ready for them downstairs?”
            “Yes, sir.  The beds are turned down and I put little Alex down too.”
            “He didn’t say goodnight,” Sam said looking surprised.
            “He was actually asleep on the couch, I carried him down,” Maria replied.
            “Our Maria,” Dad said, she is something.”
            “She must be,” Nico said.  “I can barely lift the little bugger anymore.”
And on that note, the two of them stood, said goodnight and went down to the basement to their new American home.

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