Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A return---again and trying to figure this out

So I think one of my major problems is follow through. And that's not an "I think" so much as, THIS IS DEFINITELY a PROBLEM!

I have started this blog a number of times, in fact I think this is the third or fourth incarnation. Not proud of that, but I am sort of happy that I am writing more in than I ever have before.

I'm not even sure why I want to blog, to be perfectly honest, aside from the fact that I have a s*** load to say, almost every minute of the day as well, it's is a way for me to actively write--SOMETHING, besides my usual angsty journal entries. 

I think, particularly for this year, blogging will be a way of me measuring the success of my year.  Of this year.

What often happens with me is that I have these brilliant ideas that seem like they are THE ANSWER to my life that I've been searching for--and then, for one reason or another, boredom, reality, it just peters out.  And then, I'll come up with another idea and another and thus--the spiral into me--NOT FINISHING ANYTHING.

It is annoying.  Because I do pride myself on getting things done.  As well, ironically, I consider myself very goal oriented and can really only motivate when I see the light at the end of the tunnel--that is before I even get started--so it is puzzling, why I can't just complete the stories--and there are LOTS of them--in my head.  FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE!

I have this amazing time.  And this amazing space.  And am surrounded by family and I have a loving supportive man in my life. As well--I have very little demands currently, except the ones I create.  Thus, I really have ZERO excuses for why I am not writing EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

However, here is my light. 

Today commences NaNoWriMo.  I have done this before when I was working--i.e. teaching and I turned out a pretty good piece of work.  I actually liked it a lot--and yea, yea, it's unfinished.

However, this piece that I'm going to write for this month is going to be a fairy tale that is actually the back story of the novel I want, no WILL complete this year.  It's called Forest People.

So, this is the month that I will write and I hope that I will gain some momentum and continue writing for the rest of the year.

I know I work best when surrounded by other Creatives, so, hopefully, HOPEFULLY, I will meet some tomorrow at the first NaNo meeting tomorrow.

A girl can dream, right?

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