Saturday, April 21, 2012

It may be time to address small town racism

One of my early fond memories of my dad, when he was actually home and not traveling all over the world or hidden behind a newspaper-- was when he took me on a trip up to see his mother in Vermont.  I didn't know this grandmother very well, we didn't visit very often, however, the times we did, it was usually me and my dad.

And there was a period of time when she wasn't well and my dad and I drove up from our little town in MA to get to her tiny town in VT.  In any event, there's a town in NH that was a midway point where we would stop at McDonald's and eat lunch.

My memory was of us standing in line and my dad standing behind me.  I ordered and just as the woman was going to tell me the price to pay, my dad put his hand on my shoulder and ordered too.  I remember this because I remember the look of surprise on the cashier's face and I remember that I wanted to cry because I realized even way back then, my dad was letting them know, he was my dad.

Now, normally that wouldn't seem like such a big deal, but me and my Asian butt and my dad's lily white self--aren't exactly the two you would put together as family. My dad's not the most aware--or at least outwardly aware guy in the world and I was really touched that he, like, ya know, claimed me.

Since moving back to VT, I have experienced a number of disturbing scenes that--I vaguely remember my ex-husband complaining about but at the time, I was like, no, they're not like that here.  This is an open-minded town.

However, I have experienced more racism in the past 8 months, than I can remember really experiencing since we lived in an all white town growing up.  This is precisely the stuff I think I escaped to the big city for when I was a teen because I was so tired of having to deal with this the either overt or subtle remarks or actions of ignorant, ridiculous, uneducated fools.

Like I mentioned in another post, it has gotten to the point where my brother made the joke that he thinks I should get a Caucasian person mask.  How pathetic is that?  I mean, it was funny, but what a sad, sad state of affairs if it has come to even having to make a joke about something like that.

I have been treated poorly a number of times at the grocery store.  Also at the convenience store, where the cashier admitted that I just didn't look right to her--that was after I spoke to my dad and sister about it.  And the one time that they were finally outraged and took up my side.  Yea, not a lot of support in my family concerning stuff like this---and I'm too tired to educate and they're too old to teach.  But they were actually mad when they heard the lady actually admit that she was a bigot.

I've been stopped twice by the police for made up reasons.  (Thus my brother's joke)

And it's gotten to the point where I am extra careful about what I do---to the point where I'm actually nervous in public sometimes.  A place where I've never been before and it really, really sucks to experience this.

And it seems like such a helpless kind of situation.  Even my own Caucasian family has nothing much to say about it -- much less do about it.  Even I have nothing to say about it, although, clearly I am now.  I have thought about writing a letter to the editor---and making a plea to people to WAKE UP to the real world, but the thing is, these small towns are the real world.

This is where they are, and they are McDonald land folks, who even if they travel, will still look for the chicken mcnuggets.

And that's fine, right?  I mean, accept people for who they are and do the best you can to get along?

Isn't that the answer?  Or do you fight to create change?

I think my best conclusion is I've always attempted to make change with the youth.  It's they who are not yet hardened and who have some investment in making the future a better place to live in the future.     Having said that, though, I am glad to be moving in the fall to a larger city where there is diversity and multiculturalism because at the end of the day, that's the world I want to live in and where-- you can live and let live and don't need to fight to so hard to .... be.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A blank piece of white paper

To dream about a white piece of paper may symbolize your desire to make a new start in life.  It may also symbolize your desire to express yourself through writing.

In my dream, I definitely was thinking that the paper was a snowman in a blizzard and I kept making that joke, but I like this interpretation as well.

It makes sense as it is exactly what I am trying to do and is in alignment with my dreams.

I've been thinking lately that I want to write a memoir.

There are a lot of kooky and tragic things that have happened to me as well as some ridiculous and joyful things.  They definitely deserve to be shared.

So, thinking on that.

A Memoir.

I think I may begin it with my brother telling me I should get a Caucasian person mask so I would stop being harassed in po-dunk!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My first query letter (in years) !!!

The deed is done---or should I say, begun??  I FINALLY submitted a query letter for my picture book!  This may sound small, but it has taken months, maybe even years of mental preparation!!!

Back in the 'good ole days' of when I was a completely ACTIVE writer, I was writing and sending queries all over the gaff.  However, that stopped sometime after my divorce and really, hadn't begun until today.


It was only one page and truly, only a few lines, but with some wonderful help from my writing friends, Beth Raisner Glass and Christine Blacke, I finally took a breath, got my butt in the chair, and wrote it.

I definitely cobbled pieces of their samples onto my own ideas, but hey, that's community, right?  I could not have done it without their help.

Now, I am well aware of the fact that this is really just a first step.  I have many, many other queries to go, and also a LOT more writing to do, but this was a hurdle that was really paralyzing for me and to have jumped it and landed, is absolutely exhilerating.

It's something completed.  It's a goal reached.  And because I was able to do this, it inspires me to do so much more.

For the past week--I have been compiling information about publishing houses and agents.  I have been journaling and talking to friends and loved ones about how I wanted, no needed to do this, but until to day, it was all talk.

Whew.  To put actions to work and words to page, it is just, wow.


A first step.  And what a wonderful, wonderful feeling.

I did it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Creating New Habits

Creating new habits is never easy to do.

I recently read something about how putting your willpower to work rarely works because so many of us lack it--thus, the new way to change into the new you, is to change your habits.

SOOO much easier said than done.

My old roommate and I used to sit on Sundays and talk all day long. I remember one particularly interesting conversation we had that was centered on the idea of habits.

Most likely it was about our dual smoking habit which--I don't know if she's still doing, but which I still do--and don't completely care about stopping.  (I know, I know, I should!)

But we talked about triggers, we talked about motivation, we talked about consequence, we talked about choice.  We ruminated on how difficult it was to start a new habit and what kind of preparation went into it, mental and physical and we also discussed how hard it was to make one stick.  Especially if the gains weren't immediately abundant and feel-good.

For example, smoking or going to the gym.  What is it about those two things were so hard to stop...and start?

We both had stopped smoking for certain periods of time--she had way more self- control/ discipline than I ever did, but we knew that we felt better, cleaner, healthier when we stopped smoking, but always, we would return to our habit.


Stress? Comfort? Sport? Fun?  I think all of the above.  We truly enjoyed smoking and especially together on a Sunday afternoon--so that was a habit that didn't stick.  The fact that we could die from it or contract a horrible and painful disease, did not seem to factor into our sense of satisfaction and instant gratification.

As for the gym.  We would each go periodically to the gym and come back fresh faced and 'glowy.'  We would proclaim how good it felt and how we were definitely going to make it into a regular habit, but come to know, a month later, neither one of us had gone more often than we had before.


Going to the gym in NYC always seemed like such a hassle to me.  I think that was really my problem with creating the habit.  I was always so tired.  I never liked the classes.  It was out of the way.  The people weren't that nice.  Etc.Etc.

Whereas, here, in Williston, that is something that I have returned to with some success-- hooray--I have been able to make it to my gym relatively regularly whenever I am up here.


It's easy to get to in a car, I like the classes that are on offer, the instructors aren't awesome as in super-friendly, but they are competent at what they do, the people, in general who go to the gym are nice and I like that everyone smiles at one another instead of studiously looking away.

So, is that the answer to creating new habits?  That it makes you feel good and is convenient?  That there are close and long ranging benefits?

I think for me, that must be it.  I like convenience.  I like results and I like to feel immediate gratification.  Thus, the magical recipe for creating new habits!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

BBQ wedding reception

Okay, so it's like, April and it has been hitting me pretty slowly ever since my return from Australia, that this wedding is going to happen.

It first hit me because I had put a reminder to myself on my phone that I should get it into gear about the wedding invitations.  So I sat down and made a list of people who I thought should be invited to the wedding.  It was 31, including myself and my fiance.

That night, my sister and niece came over and we started talking wedding and she added around 25 more people--- which almost doubled the numbers.  Later in the week I spoke to my fiance's mother and she had a few more people to add!  So the small and very intimate wedding that I had imagined -- was quickly growing like a gremlin!

Well, I guess I shouldn't say gremlin, but it seemed pretty out of control.

And so now, I'm like, totally overwhelmed because there seems to be so much to plan and it's really, really happening, and no one else is going to do it but me!!

It doesn't help that I don't have any girlfriends up here--and the people I do have -- my sister and niece and possible in- law and maybe my dad's girlfriend-- are busy and focused on their own lives.  This being my second wedding, I don't think really inspires them to be super psyched about the upcoming nupitals, though, I'm sure the closer the date is, the more helpful they might become.  However, a lot of groundwork probably has to go into all this planning/ preparing, even before I need some hands on help anyway!

The blessing is-- right now, I'm not totally working in a normal 9-5 way, so I have time, but I guess, really, I needed to come to this realization that the dang thing is happening in 3 months and I have realy not prepared a thing!!

I have scoffed at preparation, my fiance too-- I think we believe it will all happen on its own.  Last wedding, I had the benefit of my mother being around as well my sister, and honestly, they planned EVERYTHING.  There was also the case of me being overseas, so it was all done because otherwise it would've been impossible to coordinate.

And plus, we did it at a resort--so I'm sure it was really a matter of writing checks.  Well, they did way more than that---but that's exactly what I'm about to discover!  How much work they did!  I'm focusing on the invitations this month, but because we are decorating for the reception ourselves, I should probably be getting together an entire vision board of what I want so I can start gathering up the supplies.

The decor I have in mind is very simple.  I want red and white gingham tablecloths, mason jars with wild flowers, and maybe some twinkle lights for effect.  I was also thinking paper lanterns would look really cute.  But then, there is the catering, like what does that include?  They will have the dishes and everything, right?

The music is taken care of--oh, this is what I was stressing about and was the impetus to this blog--the wedding cake!  I had wanted a wedding cake for the reception, but there are going to be so many more people at that than the wedding, but that's kindof what I wanted, and I wonder if the caterer at the place will be able to do the cake too---and how much?

As I'm writing, I'm realizing that will probably be the best answer and I'll have to go down there to figure it out with them, ie taste the cake etc.  Because I don't think I can get a cake here, and have it travel down there.  And I don't want an IGA cake either.

So, it looks like, I really need a list of wedding 'to-do's' and get freaking started!

Holy bajongaza--- I'm a gittin' married!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Obsessed with food shopping...or maybe just with food in general

How apt to find this, when I'm writing about my food shopping obsession.  As I waited in line for the third day in a row, I was really contemplating the idea that I am in my supermarket almost EVERY day.  And -- whether that was a normal practice or not?  Am I reaching some pinnacle of food obsession and how much do other people shop normally?

Am I buying food because I think I'll run out or am I just buying it daily because I like fresh food--or the more likely reason, I never know what I feel like eating until the day of--or day before?

I spend the majority of my money on food.  That is a certainty.  I receive as a benefit of my Americorps VISTA service, $200 in food stamps.  This lasts me about 2 weeks.  And then I'm into my stipend money, which covers me, but also is needed for other things.

I think part of why I shop every day is because I never know what I'm going to feel like and from past experience, I know if I buy ahead there is a grand chance that - that food will rot in the fridge because I just don't feel like eating it.  Wasteful, I know.  As well, I cook with a lot of fresh ingredients, so that means I need things that are bright and green and new.

I often wonder, if I lived in another country, would shopping every day be considered the normal practice?  By another country, I of course mean, some pastoral dream land like Tuscany or the south of France.

I lived in Dubai for a long time, a long time ago and I definitely was at the market a lot, but back then, I was cooking for two--whereas now, it varies.  More often than not, I cook for one, except for the times I can entice my family over and then it's a dinner for 10.  Which is my favorite thing to do.

That is definitely one goal I have actually achieved is cooking more.  LOTS MORE!  Which is awesome and amazing.  I have concentrated on expanding my repertoire which is cool too.  Although I do tend to return to my same old staples.

My most usual items on the grocery list:

Land o' Lakes white American cheese
shrimp won ton soup
some greenery of some kind
chicken thighs, I'm really, really into chicken thighs
Always something indian, a pickle or relish
Matzah ball soup
Puck's brown rice soup
Annie's mushroom soup
Swedish meatballs
Naked  green drink
steak tips
onion soup
Those are the things you can pretty much always count on being in my fridge and pantry at all times.

Everything else will fluctuate based on what kind of dang diet I am working on at the time.  Which is something I am going to embrace again since I have 20 pounds to lose in three months.  Total body revamp!

But that's another blog entry.

I have gone through the meat only phase.  It never lasts.  I have gone through the frozen entree phase.  That was horrible and very unfulfilling.  I went through the fruit and vegetable phase which lasted all of 12 hours.

The closest I can come to sticking to a food regiment is if I focus on mostly proteins.  I have come to appreciate whole wheat bread.  Also butter.  Since Australia, I've been into putting butter on my sandwiches.  Which is like, hello!  Extra fat for no reason, though, it does taste pretty creamy...

Oh, and I order out a lot too.  Mostly Asian food.  I am currently cheating on my old love, Naru, with Men at Wok because I was going through a serious crab rangoon phase.  Like, 3-4 times a week.  Overboard, I know.

I also went through a brief swedish meatball phase.  That was like twice a day for a week.  With petite green peas.  I got over that pretty fast.

So, I guess, it's just pretty much I'm a total kook about food and with food.  I have an intense and great appreciation for food.

Ya know when you do the what is your metabolic body shape quiz, one of the questions was, do you live to eat or eat to live?  And I, definitely, live to eat.

Everything wonderful -- seems to center around food.  There is such a joy to buying it, preparing it, serving it, eating it, and it can be either a lone or with friends and it is just as wonderful an experience...though, if pressed, I would have to say, cooking for and eating with friends and family is at the top of the charts-- for sure.

Food....okay, I think I'm going to go and make a sandwich now.  

Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is a notice to inform you

that you have been put on administrative hold.  Please do not reply to this email.

Okay, I was expecting this (now it's 3 days ago) based on what my state supervisor told me would be the repercussions of the latest drama of Americorps.

So administrative hold is when you basically do not work, are looking for a new site and hope to nature and the universe that something is found so the VISTA year can be completed.

I straight out said to my state supervisor that I have been soured on this whole experience, however, I really would like to complete this dang contract, because -- well, the fact that this current site didn't work out, is not due to the work or commitment level I had and also, I want to have this contract completed and not hijacked mid-way due to --- wrongful termination.

So-- at this point, I am in no man's land, waiting for something to come up.  I am also looking around for other sites to work out, but other than the food bank that I had worked at in Barre, there isn't that much out there that I'm interested in working at--except possible Spectrum.  This is a site where I would be working as an outreach counselor.

The reality of me finding a site so late in the game is probably pretty grim.  There really are only 4 months and 10 days left in the contract, and how many places are really going to want to take on someone new at this point?  Most people are knee deep into whatever it is that they do--as well, what are the chances that the site will be something that I'm even interested in doing?

So, there in lies the conundrum.

I had a pretty decent gig going on as far as what I am interested in pursuing, however, the ah, other factors just did not jive.

Thus, what is going to happen over the next few months?

Well, only time can really tell.  I have high hopes.  I believe I can find something -- or that the universe will hear me and respond.  Though, I didn't win the $660,000,000 lottery, so I can only conclude it has something even better waiting for me in the future....!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Character is Destiny

I'm not exactly sure where I first heard that saying, but it is definitely something that I believe and is something that I live by.  Character is destiny.  You (and your future) are your choices, and one always has a choice.

At a later point, I definitely want to spend time theorizing on destiny, fate and individual choice, however today, I really want to think about what the heck has just happened over the last month since I have written.

My role in my VISTA job has changed dramatically (again) and my being stung by a bee in my dreams last night was really an indicator of how my unconscious mind is registering this change.

I looked it up--and according to when someone is stung by a bee in their dreams, it means they were wronged.

And wronged? Well, I guess that's really something to be determined.

Over the past few weeks, I was extraordinarily fortunate to join my fiance and his a capella quartet on their Australian tour.  It was a trip that I've been excited for -- for almost a year.  It was a trip that I prepared for at work for a month.  Getting my lessons ready for my 2 direct service sites, creating 3 workshops for 3 different 4-H educators, preparing the 4-H April Vacation with another 4-H educator, putting together the draft of the 4-H manual that my supervisor wanted, getting the brochure together for my supervisor's approval etc--- February was a busy, but fun month.

And when all that work had been submitted, I met with my supervisor at her home with her sick dog and dropped it off.  All seemed well, and I got on a plane to Australia feeling like, wow, I'm psyched to get back because I've got a lot of good stuff coming up.

The trip to Australia was amazing.  I will write more about that too--later, but I want to stay focused on the topic at hand.

After returning from the trip, my fiance and I essentially slept for 3 days and I mentally geared up to go home to VT and finish the last few months of my service.

The morning I was going back, I woke up to a text that said I had an unplanned meeting with my supervisor and my state boss the following morning at 9 am.

I had no idea what it was for and it had not been mentioned before, so I wrote back and asked my supervisor what the subject of the meeting was so I could be prepared for it.  Phone silence.  So I called my state supervisor and asked what was going on.  She said, so and so didn't tell you?  I replied no.  And it came to light that on the day I returned a meeting had been scheduled because I was going to get the ax.

The main reasons being, because I had taken too much time off and the draft of the manual was of "poor quality."


Of course I told my fiance immediately, was so sad to leave him after a month of bliss together, but even more so because of this latest drama with my supervisor.

After a long flight home and barely 2 hours of sleep, I arrived at my meeting in Montpelier.  My supervisor, who had previously tried to avoid the meeting was there and tried to establish the reasons why she wanted to let me go.

I asked her how she could actually think firing me based on the poor quality of my work was a valid reason-- since what I gave her was a draft and was also something that she gave me no feedback on in order to make it better quality.

She stuttered and turned red, but was ultimately unable to validate or quantify her reasons for firing me --she said she didn't want to argue, etc.  I agreed, I did not want to argue, but wanted to make it glaringly clear that she was firing me for personal reasons and didn't have a leg to stand on as for as terminating me for a authentic reason.

And then I had the dream of being stung by a bee last night.

Was I wronged?  Oh lordy, I think, in a multitude of ways.  Nothing in comparison to the old NYC days with the Tweedles and former principal, but I was ambushed on my first day back and let go.

However, something my unconscious hasn't completely registered yet is that, I think this is going to be for the best.

The choice I made was to resign.  I could've chosen to fight to stay, but I didn't.  I could've chosen to kiss her ass, but I didn't.  Which if I did, would've been a different destiny.

My destiny.

Who the heck knows what that includes and it seems like because I am so dang fragmented it has a potential explosive end--whether good or bad.  I remember -- an old chef in a restaurant I worked in before said, Kristy, you are a wild card.

And I used to really love that concept.

Over the years; I've come to think that really, a wild card is good or bad depending on the cards and circumstances that surround it.  In itself, intrinsically, it means nothing, really.  An ace can be high or low, favorable or a wrecker of a future.

I guess, then, I just need to make sure the circumstances and those things that I surround myself with are then, in my favor.

And to make sure that I am always true to my character and certain in my choices.

And, so far, and with this latest challenge, I am twice over.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It has been far too long!

I have thought often about writing in this blog over the past 2 months, but so many things have happened that it seemed impossible to steal some time.

My job as an Americorps has changed quite dramatically and with change, often what happens prior, is uncomfortable and difficult.

It is unfortunate that things had to happen in the manner that it did, and because of that manner, I almost severed my contract; however, the mission prevailed and I am still here, more or less as focused as I ever was.

It was important to me--as I considered my goals, not only for now, but for the next five years, what was it that I came from, what makes me happy and what do I want to spend the majority of my time working on--not just mindfully, but professionally.

For certain, I tend to skitter from topic to topic as if careers can be changed on a dime, but my roots or my craft are what they are and though I would like to sometimes ignore it, I am an educator.

I am a champion of the underdog, I want to effect change, create a difference, break up the old rules and dive into the new.

I was thinking this weekend that when I was in my late teens, as an early college drop out, I wanted nothing to do with "the establishment."  I wanted only to live "real life" and wanted to live in the "real world."  I had a damn good time doing that, but it wasn't long before I realized the systems that existed and that I wasn't pretty enough or talented enough or disciplined enough to broach the walls from the outside--thus, I would have to make change from the inside--from the bottom floor.

I have come a long way from those decadent and exciting days in Boston--modeling and drawing and working in restaurants--I will never forget when my elder brother did my taxes and marveled at the fact that I was living on $9,000/ year.

Well, with this Americorps job, I am making even less--if that's possible to live on, but because I am so blessed with a wonderful and supportive family and have an amazing fiance who loves me just as I am--I know while I am working in this little earning money, it is a calling that I could not refuse and it is something I think I'll be doing for the rest of my life.

Jobs that might not pay so much, but have some kind of focus and intention on helping the people, I had always wished would help me.

I want to be that role model, that I so desperately needed, because if I had that back then, imagine where I would've been now.....the very least I can do--because I am in a rather lovely stage of life, is to pay it forward for the next and next and next generation.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Perfect: Chapter 3

Chapter III

            “So you guys really took first class?” Jake, Leena’s husband shook his head. “Man, that is the life!”  He was a mechanic and not one of the brightest bulbs on the tree.  He was a good man but was constantly troubled by strange health issues and spent the majority of his time in bed.  Leena’s ex-husband had been even less useful and Sam had always marveled at how such a capable woman such as her sister always managed to find the least helpful of men for husbands.
            “It was kindof a last hurrah, ya know?” sam replied.  It had been heaven.
            “Yeah, I had a lot of miles, so it really didn’t cost more than coach.” Nico said in between bites.
            The adults were all eating together, the kids were in the TV room playing with the nanny.  It had been six months since Sam had been back and a year since Nico had seen any of his in-laws.
            “So where’s Sean?”
            “He’s with his father,” Leena replied.  She didn’t look very happy about it.
            “Why is he there? Will he be back for Christmas?” sam asked.
            “I don’t know.” Leena said, looking close to tears.
            “Let’s catch up on that later,” Dad intervened.  “Why don’t you update us on our plans? What’s happening with you two?”
            Sam and Nico looked at each other and laughed.
            “We haven’t really thought too far past Christmas,” sam began.
            “Well, that’s not really true,” Nico interrupted.
            “Yes, it is…”
            “No, I mean,” Nico started.
            “We won’t be here long, if that’s what you mean,” sam said.
            Her dad frowned. “Sam, don’t be ridiculous! There’s more than enough room, I just wanted to know if you guys had a gameplan.
            “god knows, we’ve been here forever!” Leena said, laughing.
            Jake did not look as amused and Nico and he shared a look of understanding.
            “I am so happy to have my girls with me.” dad said looking a little wistful.  This would be the second Christmas without sam’s mother who had passed after a long battle with colon cancer.  The holidays were not easy for him at all. 
            “We’re happy to be here too,” Sam replied.  Trying to control the tears that were threatening to fall.
            “Anyway,” Nico cleared his throat. “Sir, we’ve decided to find a house here and hopefully stay in the area.
            “the problem with that is, Nico hasn’t found a job yet and is still waiting to hear back about school.”
            “School?” dad asked.
            “Yeah, Dad, Nico’s thinking about going back to school.  He’s already submitting his applications.  He just needs to take the GMAT.”
            “And when is that happening?” Dad asked Nico.
            “After the holidays,” Nico said.  “they’re due in January.”
            “Hmm,” Dad grunted.
            “We’re just going to see what happens, Dad.” Sam knew exactly what her father was thinking, but she and Nico and spent many long hours discussing what they would do.  She was determined to find a job teaching as she felt she had been cheated of that opportunity before.  Nico said he was tired of working and was more interested in going back to school.  Their whole idea in coming to America had been mostly for Nico to please Sam.  She had been wildy unhappy in dubai as she couldn’t seem to find a job.  When Alex was younger, she was happy to be home with him, but as he had grown more independent, she had become more useless, listless even.  The death of her mother had brought her to despair and the past year, had actually been a complete misery for all three of them.
            It was only when sam had said she wanted to go back home and had convinced Nico it was a matter of do or die, had any of her fire returned.  Nico loved Sam more than he could even describe and while he was happy in Dubai, as well his whole family was there, he was wasn’t that happy in his job and was willing to cast his die into the lot and said he would give the States a chance.  What he didn’t know was that if he hadn’t agreed, Sam was planning to go no matter what. 
            “What about Alex?” Leena asked after the silence had lasted moments too long.
            “Well, I figured I’d just keep him out of school until we know where we’re going to be,” Sam said.
            She was met with a shocked silence. But then she laughed, “I’m kidding!  I’ve already enrolled him at Wallace.  He’s going to be in the same class as Jenny.
            Everyone began to laugh, her dad the loudest. “One of these days, Samantha, you are going to kill your old dad.”
            Sam looked at Nico and he was looking a bit strained behind the cheer of the wine that had reddened his cheeks.
            “Habibte, bidde naeme,” he said.
            “Ana kamyan, yalla,” she replied.
            “What’d you guys say? Asked Jim.
            “Oh, I think we’re ready to turn in, it’s been a pretty long day.” Sam said. 
            dad stood, yes.  Let’s get you two settled.  “Maria!” he called for the nanny.
Apparently she was the maid too.  “Is everything ready for them downstairs?”
            “Yes, sir.  The beds are turned down and I put little Alex down too.”
            “He didn’t say goodnight,” Sam said looking surprised.
            “He was actually asleep on the couch, I carried him down,” Maria replied.
            “Our Maria,” Dad said, she is something.”
            “She must be,” Nico said.  “I can barely lift the little bugger anymore.”
And on that note, the two of them stood, said goodnight and went down to the basement to their new American home.

Day 3 & 4 went pretty awesome.... :-) !!

I am feeling pretty darn good.  There is truly something to eating right, exercising and being conscious of said actions.  It's such a freaking high!

I've been working out--ha, I won't say that like I've been doing it a long time because we all know better.  Since I got back from LA, I've really been trying to put an effort into paying attention to my body and my mind.

I've been doing that on and off, but during the holidays and for a week and a half after, oh boy, it was definitely off, so now, I'm on, on, on the wagon!  So for the last three days, I've been doing double work outs and it's like, wow, how did I ever live before?  Okay, that's slightly dramatic, but I feel so much better.  Invigorated.  My mind is like actually feeling better, like the synapses are faster and connecting better-- and I'm not falling asleep at 8pm!

I know this won't last, but I'm hoping to really get into the habit of being good to myself.  So, I know it may seem like, self-defeatist to say, 'I know this won't last' but who really has the time to work out like this--morning and evening, unless you're getting paid for it, but for now, and until Australia, then, this is what I'm doing.

Actually, as I was walking out of the gym last night, I was seized by the idea that, this is such a gift.  To have the time to really spend on your self to feel good-- I definitely realize that it won't always be this way, especially with a new husband--and hopefully, eventually a couple of rugrats.

So the plan, and I write it 'aloud' so it will help me stick to it better, is morning and evening workouts until Australia.  It will be tough while I have my weekend in LA, but I will hopefully sneak in a few walks up that very mean, cranky hill.  Then, when I return, there are approximately 5 weeks to really get it going--because my goal is not only to feel awesome--but to be SMOKIN' hawt for Australia and also that little event coming up in July....

This next 10 days is sort of like starter days--to get the motor running and oiled, but after LA, it's going to be game ON!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 2 of Cleanse

+  I did NOT eat a bacon egg and cheese today

+ 8 oz glass of green machine
+ 1/2 a chicken thigh (not on the menu...but is part of the one I am creating to do this slowly and within my own personal parameters)
+ 1/2 cup brown rice - is allowed as well first three days
+ last night, wine with sis--a few glasses each.

I am writing today, a story I made up with my fiance--am very excited.
More to come.

OH!  I took apple cider vinegar this morning.  I think I like it.  Am going to take another 2 spoonfuls before dinner.  Have heard awesome things about it and I cleaned the whole house without eating as much as usual and felt great.  Not exactly sure what "with mother" means, but this is the one I am using.

Friday, January 6, 2012

1st Day of Cleanse....

Not a complete, total and utter failure...but, certainly NOT a success.

What I did : grocery shopped and bought only fruits, vegetables, beans/ legumes, and one piece of salmon.

I also smoked a cigarette.

And am about to indulge in Chinese with my sister.  Hmmmmmm....and obviously that can't be had without a relaxing glass of wine...DER.

Well, there is something to be said for preparation, right?

I feel like I am mentally shifting/ preparing for the big cleanse, but have not quite gotten there physically.  Though, I am quite excited to do so.....seriously.

So that's the good and bad of it thus far....

Some Books I've Read Recently

No more Hwaaaattt?

I LOVE me a bacon, egg and cheese on an english muffin! MmmmMmm!  It is my go-to breakfast almost every single morning.  It's also probably why I have a few roly-poly rolls than I should.  That and all the other things I indulge in even though I tell myself that I am a healthy eater.

I think I tell myself that because generally, I am, I think....

See that conundrum?

I don't eat a lot of junk, I don't snack, I don't drink soda, coffee and don't have much of a sweet tooth either.  My indulgences, or rather, HA to indulgences, my diet consists mostly of proteins, dairy and I mean a lot of dairy because cheese is a lifestyle, and a lot of white wine.  I will eat carbs, though, I am pretty aware that my body and carbs don't really go--and up until this point, I have sort of fooled myself into thinking that I don't eat carbs, but look at that glorious breakfast!  All that ooey, gooey deliciousness wrapped up in lightly toasted carbs.

I don't eat fruit --I've never liked the stuff and I don't eat a lot of veggies, except sometimes I'll go through a couple of random days when I think greens taste good.

So, not to jump on the cleansing train or anything, because lord knows I hate following trends, but I think that the time has arrived where I need to flip the script a little a clean out the old engine.

Thus, I have been shopping around for a cleanse that I can actually follow for the next 21 days.  I found the first one that I liked in the Martha Stewart magazine called Whole Living and can also be found on  This one is definitely a little extreme.  Then I looked up a bunch of others that were not only terrifying because they consisted of ALL LIQUIDS but completely expensive which is totally out of my budget.  Then I found a cleanse that seemed way kinder and more realistic on
which I think I'm going to combine with the Martha Stewart cleanse.

Why, WHY do we do this to our bodies?  I am certainly the LAST person who wants to deprive myself of the things I love, but sometimes, even I recognize that the body needs a little jump start to reignite some mojo--and I need me a little mojo because this is the year where I am pursuing tangible dreams---and since this time of year is when everyone else is going to be grumpy and in the throes of their own type of cleanse, now is as good a time as any, right?

Now, if only i can convince myself of that right around 6:00 pm.....